my postpartum tips & recovery products for a new mom

There aren’t enough words or advice I can give you to completely eliminate all your stress that comes with having a newborn… but I will try.

What is postpartum?

Postpartum refers to the first 6-12 weeks after giving birth when your body begins to heal and adjust to not being pregnant. Your body goes through many changes as you recover.

Adjusting to being a new mom…

Finding your new flow and adjusting to life after the birth of a baby has lots of challenges, especially if this is your first time as a new mother. But it’s super important to remember that although it’s important to care for your baby, you also have to take care of yourself.

Before falling into a routine, there is likely to be a lot of sleepless nights and stressful situations as you navigate getting to know what your baby needs. While this is all completely normal, it doesn’t help that you still feel frustrated and maybe also like you’re the only one to be able to care for the baby if you’re exclusively nursing.

I’ve put together some tips that will help ease the transitional period.

Disclosure: I am not a doctor and these tips are based on what I know to have worked for me. Always ask your medical professional with any questions regarding your health and your baby’s health. Some links on the blog are affiliate links from which I will earn a commission if you make a purchase. Read more information here.

  1. Ask for and accept help

    If someone offers to drop off a meal, come hold the baby so you can nap, or wants to vacuum your first floor, LET THEM! If you need help with laundry (no heavy lifting!) or with anything around the house, LET THEM! This is a stressful time and you are not being the hero trying to accomplish everything.

  2. Get plenty of rest

    I know this is easier said than done, but a well-rested mama is a much happier mama. Take it from me! I am very certain that I dealt with some undiagnosed postpartum anxiety (if this is something you’re worried about, please call your doctor IMMEDIATELY!) when it came to having a newborn and my sleep. I think going into my second round of having a newborn, I will be more understanding of just how exhausting these nights can be. I know that naps and more screen time can be imperative for those first few weeks of juggling a toddler and a newborn.

  3. Drink lots of water

    If you are nursing, drinking plenty of water is key for your supply. But keeping up with your water intake is great for helping your body heal, staying hydrated, and constipation at bay. (Those postpartum poops can be terrifying.) As always, consult with your doctor for their recommended suggestions on how much water you should drink in a day.

  4. Go for walks and get fresh air

    Moving your body outside in the fresh air can be one of the best forms of self care than you would even imagine. With a newborn, you can often find yourself feeling stuck inside at home and that can be hard on your body and brain. So wrap you and your little one up in as many layers as needed, or grab a fan or two for both of you (we have two of these fans and have used them in Disney in August for optimal stroller naps!), and get outside for some vitamin D! Even sitting in your back yard while baby is in the stroller or on a blanket in the shade can improve your outlook.

  5. Eat well

    Eating a balanced diet can help fight fatigue and constipation as well as just fueling your body. Upping your vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and protein are all great ways to help your body heal.

  6. Shower daily

    One of the best thing about newborns is that they don’t move. If you are home alone, you can set up a safe place for them to lay when you hop in the shower even just to wash your face and rinse your body. If you have a pair of hands, turn on the radio, crank up the hot water, and get ready for an amazing DIY spa treatment. Wash your hair (twice), apply a deep conditioning treatment, and exfoliate and scrub your body. Be sure to pay attention to any healing body parts and follow your doctor’s orders on getting healing wounds wet.

  7. Listen to your body

    If you did something yesterday that doesn’t feel like a good idea today, don’t do it. Leave it for another day and rest your body. If you’re feeling dehydrated (cracked lips, less trips to the bathroom, dry skin, etc), up your water intake. If you just need to close your eyes while baby is napping, enjoy the peace when you can.

  8. Take care of your mental health

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not hesitate to call your doctor with any questions you have. Whether it be the pediatrician, your OB, therapist, or general practitioner, they are all there to help you. Talk to your spouse or partner when it comes to asking for help in whatever way you are struggling. Your body is going through major healing and changes (both physical and hormonal) and you need to be able to take care of yourself to care for your baby.

Postpartum Recovery Products

  1. Frida Mom Upside Down Peri Bottle (you should be able to acquire one from the hospital but this one is nice with the angled neck for easier relief in the right spots)

  2. Nipple Butter (if you’re nursing or pumping, your nipples will thank you for the relief)

  3. Always Discreet Disposable Postpartum Underwear (the hospital grade situation is nice too, but these are just so convenient. no fussing with pads - just pull these up and feel a little prettier when you’re not feeling your best)

  4. Stool Softeners (I assume your nurses will give you some after delivering, but definitely make sure you have these, and ibuprofen, on hand at home. those first postpartum poops can be terrifying and you want to make sure everything comes out as smoothly as possible.)

  5. A fun new water bottle (I have a variety of sizes of these wide neck Iron Flask water bottles and they’re great because they keep water cold for so long and they all come with a few different caps/lids. code SNACCIDENT10 will save you a little at checkout)


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