hospital bag packing list for my second child

As this is my second time around packing for the hospital, I think I’ve got my life all figured out ;) Most of the items on my list are repeats from what I brought with me (and used) while in the hospital with Chase but some are new to me!

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First up: the bag! I am using a weekender bag from Modern + Chic. While this particular style is no longer available, they have a great varieties of bags and other accessories you can choose from. I love this women-owned boutique!

Clockwise from top left: Kaydence, Hannah, Marcella, Winnie, Sasha, Rosie. Click on the photo to shop. Code MAMA20 saves you 20%.

While you may not fit everything in one bag, this is the one that holds all the essentials. Pack a bigger bag or small carry-on suitcase with such things like a shower towel, pillow, cozy blanket, and a boppy/nursing pillow.

Now, grab your pen and paper and start making your list. I will list everything shown in the picture below with any links to my favorite items. If you have any questions, please drop them in the comments!

  • muslin swaddle for announcement pictures

  • 2 sets of jammies for baby (this is the newer version of the jammies Chase wore coming home from the hospital and I bought them in 3 different sizes because I love them so much - they zip from the top down to the toes, too!)

  • phone charger (extra long cords are a must!)

  • hatch sound machine (we have one of these in Chase’s room, our room, and the baby’s room! I didn’t bring this with me when we had Chase but am absolutely bringing this Hatch Mini to help drown out hospital noise)

  • toiletry bag (I love my Kaydence from modern + chic boutique - let me know if you’re interested in what’s inside. I may be in the minority but I showered TWICE when I was in the hospital with Chase. You feel 100% better after a shower)

  • chapstick (the best chapstick ever!)

  • velcro swaddles (L&D nurses are the professionals when it comes to swaddling, but if you don’t want to have to rely on them, these velcro swaddles are AMAZING)

  • nursing bras (amazon) and both of these super soft and cozy Larken products: nursing/pumping bra + postpartum undies (code SNACCIDENT saves you 10% off Larken’s website)

  • water bottle (bringing my 40oz because it stays cold forever! use code SNACCIDENT10 to save)

  • going home outfit for me (my Lucky Mother sweatshirt is from Jam Threads and leggings are Shapermint)

  • brush/hair ties/headband (I only wear Lilac Market Headbands)

  • cozy socks with grips/slippers (the coziest, softest, pillow-like slippers I’ve ever owned)

  • compression socks from Motif Medical (check out their site for their breast pumps and other maternity/nursing necessities!)

  • letter board (ours is from a small shop that closed, but this is a great alternative for your announcement picture!)

    Not pictured because I haven’t packed them yet:

  • makeup bag

  • snacks

  • diapers for me (I’m all for using what the hospital supplies but these are just so convenient especially when you’re back at home)

  • 2 sets of jammies for me (I have the leopard print in these from when I had Chase. SUPER soft & comfortable and button down for skin to skin/nursing ease)

  • nursing tops (I have these from Chase and will be ordering more! I wore them ALL the time!)




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