6 things I’m grateful for (as a mom of a toddler + a newborn)

It’s no secret that being a mom to a newborn can be chaotic, emotional, stressful, and absolutely amazing. Throw in a toddler to the mix and life is downright UNPREDICTABLE! The benefit of being a seasoned mom is that you know the dark and especially stressful times with a newborn do end and that the long nights will eventually turn into decent stretches of sleep and you WILL get a good night sleep again… hopefully. The toddler life, on the other hand, will go on forever and will test every last ounce of patience in your body ;)

Luckily, I’ve found that there are some things that help with the general overall stress when it comes to being home with both kiddos and I’m here to share the list.

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This list is a compilation of all the things I’ve used these last 3 weeks, especially once Goose went back to work and my days were a blend balancing both a 2 1/2 year old’s needs with a newborn’s needs.

6. Coffee: stock up on your favorite coffee, creamer, and a good coffee maker that has a timer so the coffee is ready for you when you wake up exhausted after those MOTN feedings. We actually used to have a super fancy coffee bar machine and we downsized to the Cuisinart 14-cup and have loved the simplicity

5. Homer Learning App: available on apple, amazon, and android devices, this app let’s me feel less of the mom guilt for giving Chase more-than-usual screen time. He’s working on his letters, colors, shapes, listening skills, and also enjoying learning new songs and having stories read to him. My link will get you a 30-day free trial and I HIGHLY recommend how great it is for toddlers to learn to navigate on their own!

4. Itzy Ritzy pacifiers: Chase was never a paci kid but Trent most definitely is! I love these silicone pacis from Itzy Ritzy because they’re all one piece, easy to clean, and SUPER cute when it comes to pacifiers!

3. Infant Optics baby monitor: we were going to get a whole new system and save our infant optics for the playroom, but we decided to purchase an additional camera to put in Chase’s new room and we’ve been happy with our choice. The monitor has a scan option to toggle back and forth between the boys’ rooms.

2. Backpack diaper bag: I don’t know why diaper bags with one shoulder are still made but make sure you have something that is completely hands-free and will hold all the things for both kiddos. I got Goose a High Speed Daddy diaper bag when Chase was tiny and have completely stolen it for my every day use. It is the superior diaper bag!

1. Flutter Habit lashes: the amount of times I’ve heard “you look so well-rested for just having a baby” is overwhelming (and a lovely compliment to any mom). My response is ALWAYS “thanks, it’s the lashes”. Seriously - I do nothing else in the morning to get ready. Sometimes I’ll run a brush through my hair but usually not. Having nice eyelashes make me feel enough of a normal person to leave the house feeling like I have my act together… which we know is usually not true ;) My Flutter Habit link earns me points for referrals and saves you 10%




our rustic nautical nursery makeover