the ULTIMATE list of tips for new parents

I have a highlight on my Instagram where I save all my tips. Some of these are related to meal prep or planning, some are helpful around the house, some are for weight loss or food tracking, but a lot of them are just some random things that I’ve learned along the way when it comes to being a mom. Most are simple things that worked for me with no actual science to back it up while and some are tricks I’ve learned from my more seasoned mom friends.

So this got me thinking, because whenever I ask my IG followers and friends for ideas or mention a problem I’m having, they all come through with the best ways that have helped them. For instance, recently I mentioned that I really love those Naked fruit smoothies and would love to keep them on my nursing/pump cart for nighttime feedings but they need to be refrigerated. My inbox flooded with links to mini micro fridges, suggestions to keep the smoothie in an Iron Flask so it stays cold, and so many more ideas!

I decided to phone a friend and asked all my ‘Gram friends and followers for their biggest parenting tips that they would share with new parents and I’ve put them all here for you to read! This has got to be the best mix tape of parenting tips and tricks and I just love all of them! I hope you enjoy the read and will share with any new or soon-to-be parents in your life!

Disclosure: I am not a doctor and these tips are based on what I know to have worked for me or for my followers. Always ask your medical professional with any questions regarding your health and your baby’s health. Some links on the blog are affiliate links from which I will earn a commission if you make a purchase. Read more information here.

First two are from me:

  • if you are a pumping or bottle-feeding mama, set up a big bowl or container of soapy water in the sink or on the kitchen counter and toss those bottle and pump parts in there as you navigate the day. Once a day, usually first thing in the morning or after the last nighttime feeding, wash all those bottles and ignore them the rest of the day. This way you wont feel like you’re cleaning bottle or pump parts all day and you know that they’re at least soaking and not getting all funky on the counter.

  • clip a lingerie bag to the baby’s laundry basket. This is where you will put all their teeny tiny socks, mitts, washcloths, and even your masks and headbands to keep them from going missing amongst the rest of the laundry.

And now for my friends on Instagram coming in hot with their best parent tips:

  • Take the help when it’s offered!!

  • Leave bottles ready at night for mid-night feedings.

  • Hold your baby as much as you want - it will NEVER EVER hurt/damage/get them into “bad habits”.

  • When frustration sets in with a fussy newborn, set them down in a safe space (crib/bassinet) and walk away for 5 mins to breathe (set a timer).

  • My boys have always helped do age appropriate chores. From the time they could walk they helped put their dirty clothes in the hamper. It wasn’t always perfect, but we kept at it. Now my boys are 17 & 15. They clean bathrooms, cook, do dishes, vacuum & mop floors, do their own laundry, & help around the house.

  • Store pump parts in the fridge so you're only washing once at the end of the day!

  • Hair tie around baby wipe pack so the wipes come out one at a time.

  • Command hook on back of high chair to hold bibs.

  • Sticker color dots on my breast milk bottles and then I take them off to keep track daily.

  • Zipper onesies at night! Avoid stupid snaps!

  • Two sets of pump parts.

  • Buy gauze pads (very cheap Amazon) for drying after diaper change and applying cream.

  • Breastfeeding can take a huge metal/emotional toll. Quitting is ok! Wish I had sooner.

  • If you have a two story house get two boppy pillows.

  • Don't feel pressure to sleep train if it doesn't work for you/your baby.

  • Take help when it's offered!

  • Be kind to yourself and enjoy every moment even the really hard ones, they go by quickly.

  • We have a “no judgment” chair. My boys feel free to share their heart and aren't judged.

  • When it's time to get the baby to sleep, put them down when they are drowsy, not asleep in your arms.

  • Don't warm up bottles/baby food - keep at room temp. Then your baby can eat ANYWHERE!

  • Airplane method- you can't take care of others unless you take care of you first.

  • Soak up the time with your newborn. Don't worry about the messes. Time goes by too quickly.

  • Go to Sams/Costco and buy the biggest thing of paper plates! No dishes saved my sanity!!!!

  • Enjoy every single minute because it truly goes by so quickly!

  • Take deep breaths.

  • Prep dinner during first nap of the day. It's always longest and they're always fussy in the evening.

  • Give yourself some grace, BE KIND TO YOU

  • Let people bring you dinner/clean your house/any small thing is so helpful while in the first two weeks of recovery.

  • Only buy white (or one color) socks

  • Buy extra baby bottles so you don't have to constantly wash them and can go for a day!

  • Don't buy the baby onesie/feetie outfits with snaps. Zippers are a must.

  • Don't forget about the diaper bag when you think you run out of diapers at the changing table.

  • Boy mom… always point the penis down when changing diapers!

  • Don't be too tied to routine those first weeks + months. Do whatever you baby needs... if it’s snuggles, naps, early bedtime.… you can't do it wrong. You know your baby best!

  • Take advantage of Mom, MIL, anyone you trust offering help. Take a nap, get a pedicure.

  • Do what you think is best for baby - not everyone else!!!

  • Take important pictures the day before (ex: first day of school pics) takes away stress day of.

  • When your kid asks "why?", tell them. Don't say "because I said so".

  • Accept the help. No one wins an award for most exhausted parent.

  • Save for college.

  • Print a blank calendar template to keep on counter/fridge to quick jot down baby milestones.

  • Keep diaper changing caddies throughout the house!

  • Make a small basket of emergency supplies for each car wipes, clothes, diapers, etc.

  • Never set you kid up to potentially lie by asking a question you already know the answer to.

  • If formula feeding, pre-fill night bottles with water and bring to nursery with formula.

  • Small tap dimmable nightlight by your bed or in baby's room for nighttime nursing.

  • Don't do anything while the baby sleeps that you can do while they're awake.

  • Don't stress about bottle or breast. Fed is best.

  • Double line the mattress with mattress pad cover & sheets for middle of the night clean ups!

  • Hang a shoe organizer on the nursery door for blankets, swaddles, towels, sheets etc.

  • When baby napping don't keep the house super quiet. Won't sleep any other way.

  • You won't feel this tired forever. You WILL sleep again, just remember that.

  • Diaper/nursing station on every level of the house!

  • Buy several Velcro swaddles!! They saved us!!

  • Have a stash of pacifiers on the baby's dresser so you’re not searching crib/floor middle of the night.

  • Use gallon Ziploc bags for packing full outfits for kids: top, bottoms, socks, hair bow, etc. Perfect to throw one in the diaper bag, but GENIUS for packing a suitcase for trips!

  • Use a rubber kitchen spatula for diaper cream. Cheap and effective.

  • Prepared formula keeps for 24 hrs. Prep a pitcher in the AM, fill bottles as necessary, wham!

  • Multiple types of pacifiers on hand in case they don't like a specific one :)

  • Trust your gut!!

Thanks to everyone who helped me put together this list! If you didn’t get to participate in my Instagram stories and want to add your tips, please drop them in the comments!

I love all these tips and tricks so much and have learned so much from everyone.


our rustic nautical nursery makeover
