my biggest naptime tips

Here are the Cliff’s Notes of this blog: NOTHING is what I do when both boys are sleeping.

But if you’re more curious about what “nothing is”, keep reading ;)

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Just as I had figured out the best way to get Chase and Trent’s naps to align, Trent dropped his last nap and now he’s waking up from his first nap as Chase is going down after lunch. Luckily, both boys do tend to sleep at overlapping times so when this happens, I have one rule: DON‘T DO ANY HOUSE CHORES THAT I CAN DO WHEN THE CHILDREN ARE AWAKE.

Do I feel better folding clothes when they’re fresh out of the dryer or relaxing after the dishes have been cleaned up from the rest of the day? Sure, but that generally doesn’t help refill my self care tank.

So instead of starting with what I do when the boys are sleeping, here’s what I do to make life easier throughout the day:

  • I usually prep my lunches for the week on Mondays when Trent is still napping and Chase is having his lunch. I’ve been on a big salad kick (an actual BIG salad eaten out of a big mixing bowl - check out this one I made recently - it’s so yummy!) and each day after that, I throw everything together in my bowl and start warming up anything going that needs to be cooked/reheated, etc when Chase is eating. Sometimes if I know Trent will be awake when I’m hungry, I’ll eat with Chase or sometimes I’ll wait until Trent is awake and happily playing after his bottle.

  • I try to wrap up laundry in the morning or just let it sit in the dryer/wash until the afternoon. Who cares if it’s sitting in there for an extra hour (or three)? The only person who knows it’s there is me.

  • Dishes in the sink from breakfast/lunch get cleaned ASAP, generally when Chase is eating and before I eat. That way, when I’m done with lunch, I just need to clean my bowl and fork.

  • All vacuuming happens in the morning as does any straightening up and organizing.

  • At night, make sure you’re prepped for the next day and don’t leave a ton of clutter. I’m really working on the “don’t put it down, put it away” mentality and it helps with things not just gathering of crap on the counters.

  • If the day is especially hectic or I’m feeling overwhelmed, I’ll take a CBD relief/relax gummy and it puts me at ease and it’s a reminder that everything may not get done but I’ll still be a good mama.

As for naptime, here’s my plan of attack:

  • Turn on whatever show I’m binge watching, put my feet up, and cozy up under a blanket.

  • Eat my lunch while it’s hot.

  • Work on my blog or scroll IG/TikTok.

  • Paint my nails.

  • Close my eyes and not. do. a. damn. thing.

All of those things help refuel my mama tank and I need it to make it through the afternoon.

Sure, sometimes there are days where I go go go and am on a roll to be productive, but with two little people in my life who need me all day, this is my chance to sit quietly by myself and I enjoy that time for myself.

What is your naptime routine? Do you take it as a time to recuperate from the morning or decompress and gear up for the rest of the day?


get back to school ready with Name Bubbles!


how my newborn slept through the night by 14 weeks old